Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Back and Better Than Ever!

After a long hiatus, looping with my class to first grade, I am ready to return to KINDERGARTEN for the 2017-2018, at Rosalind Franklin STEM Elementary.  This will be a new adventure for me as I integrate STEM and our two new Houghton Mifflin Curriculums: JOURNEYS and Math Expressions.  It is my hope that you will share your ideas here with me regarding all things KINDER.  
I have been busy working on new materials for my TPT store.
To compliment Kindergarten JOURNEYS, I have begun Oral Reading Vocabulary Packs, full of real pictures to aid in the Oral Reading Portion of each lesson.  My students always benefit from seeing a real-life example.  Units 1 & 2 are complete and ready for purchase in my store!

There are also Interactive Phonics Note-booking for each lesson.  It can be purchased at the TPT store, too.

Let's take a look at Unit 1!

Also available are SPINNER ACTIVITIES!  Easy to assemble with plastic spinner arrows you can purchase HERE, and by using empty CD jewel cases HERE.  Clue the arrow spinners to the top of each case so the various game masters can be changed for hands-on learning. 


I also created a FAMILY SORT for Lesson 1, which I will later use on my word wall for later writing reference.

And just for hanging in with me and this ultra long post, be sure to click here for your JOURNEYS FREEBIE!